Plan for a good career is not an easy task. Career planning demands a clear vision towards your goals.
Planning is a methodology for accomplishing your goals. In other words, it is a blueprint of career growth and a road map of the future.
Purpose Of A Career Plan:
Certainly, planning can play an important role in-
- Avoiding mistakes
- Recognizing hidden opportunities
- Forecasting the future
- Making your future visible for you
- Developing strategies
- Scheduling your goals
“At a time when Organizations are looking at the work of their employees with a stooped eye, then it becomes important to make some extra preparations for those wishing to play a long career inning.”
“Any decision regarding career is very important in your life. Its planning demands some understanding and thinking. So, don’t just look at money, take care of your satisfaction and interest as well.”
A Good Career Plan:
Certainly, Among the various career opportunities, it becomes really difficult to choose the right career for yourself.
Career planning is a continuous process. In which along with progress, satisfaction from a career is also associated.
So, the first question is how do we know what we really want to do? Despite the advice of friends and Counsellor/expert people, why we are not able to choose a career according to our interests and aptitudes? Even if you know about your favorite career field, then the next turn is to know how to reach that destination?
So, let’s know some misconceptions regarding career and some easy ways to avoid them.
Misconceptions Regarding Career Planning:
- Often we think that only a career counselor can tell us about the right job. But, the reality is that a career counselor can help with decision-making by being informed of situations. So, you have to make the decision yourself.
- Do not rush in career planning. Give full time to your career plan. Be clear about what you want from your career? Sometimes you have multiple options. So in such a situation, choose a field according to your interest and preference.
- It is not necessary that the subject in which you have obtained a degree is also the best career option for you. But, the truth is that companies give priority to your other activities and skills apart from studies. Today is the time of multitasking.
Misconceptions Continued:
- Often there is a perception among the students that there is a lack of opportunities for the students of Arts and Science. Whereas the truth is that students studying in these subjects are able to get training in writing, research and analytical studies. Therefore, you can easily use the potential gained in this area in other areas.
- It is not at all necessary that you are bound to move ahead in the field in which you have started working. It is a continuous process. In which you can make changes according to the need in different stages of your life. So, keep in mind that the reason for changing a career should not be things like boredom with the job or rift with co-workers. Because you may have to face these things in your next career as well. Money alone is also not the right reason to change a career.
- It is not necessary that if your friends are doing well in one area, then that area should be favorable for you too. Because each person’s abilities and needs are different.
- While planning a career, you must keep in mind the trends of that particular time. A career should be according to money, respect, satisfaction, family, and personal feelings and needs.
So, let’s know some of the following tips which can help you in career planning.
12-Tips For Making Your Career Plan:

1. Research About Potential:
Collect as much information as possible about the field in which you want to make a career. After getting information about educational qualifications, skills, working status, salary, industry trends, top companies, etc. related to that field, will broaden your thinking skills. And in this way, you will find it easier to make decisions.
2. Identify Your Interests And Skills:
What do you like, what are your values? What work do you do better, what is your personality like? etc. ask yourself questions. After evaluating yourself, compare your interest and skills with the field you want to go in. Make your career the job that matches your skills and personality the most.
3. Set Targets:
After knowing what you want to do, the next step is to set a career goal and plan accordingly. Along with the goal determine the amount of time you can achieve that goal.
You will be able to achieve the goal on time only if you make an effective plan to reach it. So, make your information more comprehensive.
What kind of training and education do you need to be successful in that field? Learn about it. What kind of financial help or scholarship can you get in the future? Keep updating your information regarding this.
4. Make Resume:
Make your resume in a way that can do your marketing better. If needed, you can take the help of a professional. Make a good cover letter along with the resume. Your resume should provide accurate information about your qualifications and expertise.
5. Strengthen The Network:
Develop network skills. This will make it easier to understand the pulse of the industry. Increase your contact with people who can prove to be helpful in your career. Or can help you increase your knowledge and understand market policies.
6. Win The Heart Of The Interviewer:
It is very important to know the art of how you are able to present yourself during the interview. Even if you have good knowledge of the relevant subject, marketing yourself during the interview is a different matter. So, if you are an expert in this work, then it will be easy to make your place among other people.
7. Time No Bar:
The era that came at 9 o’clock and left at 5 o’clock is no longer there. Therefore, take a flexible approach to duty hours. Be prepared to work long hours if necessary. Increase your availability for management.
8. Multiple Rounds Of Interview:
Don’t think so that a one-time impression can get you a job. These days, there is a trend of several rounds of interviews before the appointment. In such a situation, keep your impression continuously. It is best to bring clarity in your words and thinking and do not exaggerate unnecessarily in the resume.
9. Be Truthful:
Things can also be cross-checked from the companies or institutions that you are referring to in the resume. In such a situation, be careful while telling about your experiences, etc. These days the tendency of checking the old records of the candidates has increased rapidly in the companies.
10. Be Ready For Change:
In the era of rapidly changing technology and processes, companies are preferring to hire people who are willing to learn and keep themselves updated. Such candidates who use new information and technology efficiently, are able to do their work according to the market standard. At the same time, they are also able to face the competition in a better way.
11. Not me, You First:
Instead of how the company can benefit me, focus on how you can benefit the company. Give priority to work over money while looking for a job especially during a recession. Improve your work profile while working.
12. Plan With S.M.A.R.T Goals:
A goal is a purpose for which you direct your endeavors. There’s an art to making and setting goals. The most effective goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. Also, they should be ambitious but not impossible to achieve.
Goals give you path and perseverance for your purpose in every aspect of your life like – personal, professional, educational, career, financial. S.M.A.R.T goals are powerful techniques that can pay off you in every aspect of life.
Today companies need 360-degree fit employees. They are not in a position to tolerate any mistake of hiring the wrong employees. In such a situation, if you get an interview call, then go with full preparation.
Also, be aware of the conditions and specific policies of other industrial units. Ask yourself:
- How can my work improve the performance of the relevant department or company?
- Could I take many responsibilities at once?
- How can my work make the work of other employees and managers easier, faster, and more effective?
Certainly, when you find the answers to these questions, you will be able to do your marketing well.