You all must have heard about love and may have also experienced it. But the definition of love can be different for everyone. And the experience of it can also be different for everyone. So it can also be different for everyone.
But have you ever wondered what love actually means? Is it what you think of as love? Are you missing something? Is there something you are ignoring?
Do you know what happens? Sometimes we think that there is only one person who loves us. At the same time, sometimes it comes to our mind that no one loves us. Some people are always happy. While some people always appear desperate.
Some people are looking for a beloved. Even though some people have it, they never understand.
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What Should Love Mean To Someone?
Friends, it is the most unique gift given by God. It is the feeling that can change your heart. There is so much power in it that even a stone heart can melt like wax.
So it is present in all of us in some form or the other. Therefore, being in love is not just about your lover. Yes, it is sure that the feeling of love that your lover can make you, no one else can make.
But have you ever thought that our parents, sisters, brothers, our teachers love us more than any other person? So today we take a look at the love of parents, sister-brother, and our teachers in our life.
How much does a mother love her children? How much does a father do his children? And how do sisters, brothers, and our teachers? So, Love is what? When:
Your/A Mother:
- cooks food for her children with great hump.
- interrupts the children while going out, son do not spend much time, come early.
- calls when the children are late and asks where is the son, how long did it take today.
- scolds and then says, let’s eat food now it is getting cold.
- gets angry.
- asks son should I put food.
- there is a slight problem, the mother immediately takes us to Dr.
When Father:
- goes to job everyday for all of us so that he can feed us.
- brings fruits and vegetables for all of us everyday.
- gives us pocket money so that we can enjoy our day.
- makes us sit on the bicycle.
- swings us.
When Your:
- mom and dad sometimes quarrel with each other.
- mom complains to dad.
- dad sometimes beats you up.
- Papa drops you off to school.
- papa deposit your school fees.
- parents take you for a walk.
- parents are happy to see you.
- mom covers you with a sheet at night after you go to sleep.
- mom allows you to go to friend’s birthday party without informing dad.
- dad refuses to go to a friend’s birthday party at night.
- dad takes you to the movie show.
- one brother calls brother and says, mother is saying to come home early.
- elder brother goes to drop you to school.
- brother ties rakhi to sister.
- sister comes after traveling hundreds of miles to tie rakhi to brother.
- sister complains about brother’s wrongdoing to mother and father.
- brothers and sisters quarrel with each other.
- teachers scold us.
- your teachers ask us for homework.
- teachers motivate us.
- teachers tell parents about us.
How Does It Matter:
So Love is what a mother does to all her children at the same time.
It is a feeling
It is the heart’s desire
Ok if you get
If you don’t get it, there is hope.
Love is life, life is a bondage.
Your Feelings is priceless which has no value.
Love is a victory that can be conquered.
Love is the screw of parents.
Even it has no glasses
so that it can be seen.
It doesn’t even have to have a reason
If love is there if it is not then it is not.
Love conquers the world
And nothing without love.
It is easy and
But difficult to fulfill.
We are all in love
And there is love in all of us.
Dear readers, I hope that you all have liked this blog. So tell me about your feelings for your beloved ones in the comment box. And also you can share it with your friends.